3 Şubat 2015 Salı

Winter Depression Sexual Request Cuts!

The winter survival of your soul ...

"Sexual desire I declined, I have difficulty too, although I sleep at night, asleep, I'm also barely woke up the day groggy and tired in the morning, unhappy, sometimes crying coming from inside ..." that often season of the complaint form of winter sounds remarkable Psikod President Dr. Cem Felt; "Due to the absence of the sunlight laughing face by installing the positive energy that warms the soul and the human, people even began to appear seasonal depressiveness. The shortening of the days in winter, reduction of sunlight and remain in people's necessarily indoors leaving a negative impact on human psychology. Especially in women under the influence of the field can not relax as a result of winter depression, can not get to sleep, self pessimistic women feel sexual desire may decrease over time. "he said.

Depression and sexual aversion is triggering each other ...

Combined with winter depression, decreased sexual desire, arousal and orgasm problems brought PSİKOD Pointing out that the Vice President Dr. Gabriel Short; "Women dating with sexual intercourse alive even able to complain to enjoy not getting. In this case the woman is entering a more depressed with the idea that there is a problem caused by the failure. Thus, depression, sexual problems on the road açabilirk that, in which the female sexual problems can exacerbate depressive state. Because of pessimism given winter months unhappy woman who, because of the emergence of non-existent before sexual problems depression thinking that ended the sexual life can be spent in much more severe. such cases fear of failing because of sexual desire in so live performance anxiety in women, although untreated depression can continue to experience sexual dysfunction. "he said.

Winter depression is contagious!

As a result of this research, especially in families and the possibility of contagious depression in couples living together has been found to be much more telling Psikod Psychologist Secretary General Kemal Ozcan; "Spouse of the need of developing one winter depression in terms of communication as well as the sex life can affect the entire family because of growing disturbances. In this case the partner's patience, understanding, and is supposed to be a router. Man who helped my wife recover from a situation that could create serious consequences for the partner boldly gave him." he said.

Big mistake: "drug use"

Referring to make life unbearable winter depression Psikod Member of the Board of Psychologist Sarah Gungor; "Winter's people who suffer from depression, especially the female partner, emotional family and falls are a major task to men in order to prevent the move away from sex. Men dating to how relevant, winter depression, disease, if relevant and insightful act ends so easy. You should go to the sun as possible Besides, people face and back should give the heat and sun, to relax, to do massage the body with natural oils, you should take plenty of fresh air, sports should be done, with friends or to do pep activities with partner, light music with the rest, for plenty of roses, should be protein and omega-3-containing foods.

Drugs which are taken in order to cope with winter depression, emotional and sexual life interaction is the enemy number one. Therefore depression medications should not be used without the advice of a physician. In addition, sexual desire and sexual function today as many of the side effects of drugs used to treat depression leads to disorder. Foremost among the causes of depression medications erectile dysfunction in men decrease in sexual desire in men and women, in the fall and cause emotional conflicts orgasm intensity. Coping with depression except what we offer you the fastest and easiest way is to get help from a therapist. "He said.

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